# How to compile on Arch Linux
## Packages
We need to install some packages, from the regular repositories and from AUR
We need the following packages :
* openmpi
* cmake
* mumps (version 5, from AUR)
* Scalapack ( version >= 2, from AUR)
* Superlu (version 4, from AUR)
* parmetis
* metis4 (from AUR)
* openblas (from AUR)
## Compile Taucs
Unfortunately, we need to compile Taucs (which is not maintained anymore). We can follow the installation README from softserver.
The associated config file is attached: [linux_Arch.mk](/uploads/7164ec3bb9c95d5da4bf6e5031788252/linux_Arch.mk)
In order to work with gcc >= 6, `src/taucs.h` must be modified. You must comment `extern int isnan(double);` and `extern int isinf(double);`
Everything is installed into `$(DEVROOT)/myLibs/TAUCS_2.2`.
## Superlu
Installed from AUR (**version 4 !!!**)
Then, you must modify `xLinearSystemSolverSuperLu.cc` and chose `#define SUPERLU_VERSION 4`
**Attention:** The only supported version is version 3. Version 4 works (except the conditioning number estimation), but this is experimental
## CMakeLists.txt
My `CmakeLists.txt` is in `GEMUtil`. Basically, only the next lines differ from the default options:
option(MUMPSV5 "use mumps version 5 or above (scotch/metis new API integration)" ON)
# sclalapack version
# with version 2 and above scalapack integrate blacs
option(SCALAPACKV2 "Use scalapack version 2 or above" ON)
SET(ENV{TAUCSLIB} "${DEVROOT}/myLibs/TAUCS_2.2/lib/linux_Arch/libtaucs.a")
SET(ENV{TAUCSCONFIG} "${DEVROOT}/myLibs/TAUCS_2.2/build/linux_Arch")
SET(ENV{TAUCSTESTINC} "${DEVROOT}/myLibs/TAUCS_2.2/build/linux_Arch")
SET(ENV{SUPERLUINC} "/usr/include/superlu")
SET(ENV{MPIHOME} "/usr/bin")
And that's all... |