• Kevin Moreau's avatar
    New stable release. · 7e38f088
    Kevin Moreau authored
    Major changes:
      - integ_mesh is computed only on fully damaged support,
      - comp_mesh adds new vertices and edges inside the fully damaged zone and then erase useless entities,
      - the code is almost 3D,
      - algorithm part of the code moved to TLSAlgorithm, in order to share it with DamageBand, DamageBandDyn...
    Minor changes:
      - small improvement of Export,
      - get rid of every xIter except in TLSGeom so that if someone wants
      to use other kind of iterators (that deref in mEntity*),
      - dispatch code in several different files.
      - remove the TODO spread in the code (boring),
      - finish the cut of tetrahedra in Cutter,
      - clean deletion of mEntity* after adpating comp_mesh (I forgot to do this => memory leaks),
      - get rid of mEntity* (is it even possible?).
    git-svn-id: https://svn.ec-nantes.fr/eXlibris/Applis/TLSDuctile@2261 fbbead7c-fb4d-4173-aa67-51132c73c120