• Kévin Moreau's avatar
    This commit bring all this changes · 90d823ac
    Kévin Moreau authored
    * add an epsilon_ratio (between 0 and 1) in order to control the fmeik internal epsilon involved when comparing
    scalar values (a < b + epsilon is now a <b + epsilon_ratio*"edge length")
    it affects:
      - FastMarchingInterface.h
      - TLSSolver.{h,cc}
      - FormulationQSRemeshAniso.{h,cc}
    * modify anticipated end of program: now lambda doesn't have to belong to [0, 1].
    it affects:
      - FormulationQS.cc
    * change dissipated energy calculation. It is based on the primitive of function h(d).
    it affects:
      - FormulationQS.cc
      - MaterialElasticDamage.cc
      - MaterialFunction.{h,cc}
    * compute nonlocal part bounding box
    it affects:
      - TLSGeom.{h,cc}
      - TLSSolver.cc
    * minor simplification when transfering phi field, now only "int_duplicated" region is used.
    it affects:
      - MeshGeneration.{h,cc}
      - TLSGeom.cc
      - Formulation.cc
      - TLSSolver.cc
    * bug correction when transfer boundary and interior "in" after remeshing.
    it affects:
      - TLSGeom.cc
    * bug correction in correctLevelSetField: add a forgotten absolute value.
    it affects:
      - TLSSolver.cc
    * place guards with error message to help user detect bugs
    it affects:
      - FormulationQS.cc
      - TLSSolver.cc