• Gilles MARCKMANN's avatar
    Remove use of xAttachableGP in Xfiles. Now a datamanager is added to class to... · 64ed8890
    Gilles MARCKMANN authored
    Remove use of xAttachableGP in Xfiles. Now a datamanager is added to class to attach Gauss Points data.
        The type xGaussPoints is defined as std::vector<std::pair<xtensor::xPoint, double>> and the datamanager type is datamanager_gauss_points_t (defined in xIntegrationRule.h).
        A static function of xIntegrationRule allows to get the datamanger.
        Example 1:
            agp = new xfem::xGaussPoints;
            xfem::xIntegrationRule::get_gauss_points_datamanager().setData(*e) = *agp;
        Example 2:
            xfem::datamanager_gauss_points_t& _data_GP_= xfem::xIntegrationRule::get_gauss_points_datamanager();
            xfem::xGaussPoints* agp = _data_GP_.getData(*e);