• Alexis SALZMAN's avatar
    [xFM,xTLS] change entitystorage API + ls removal in internal fmeik · 0701ea0f
    Alexis SALZMAN authored
    Work with N.C.
    This commit change entitystorage API so that it stick to eXlibris
    DATAMANAGER concept (use of setData getData).
    This class is now with an API partially common to DATAMANAGER except
    that it does not have a default constructor. This imply that if we want to
    use exlibriss DATAMANAGER concept with FM family, as distributed updater
    use a data manager to hold internal information for communication, we need to
    have the same constructor. The adopted solution is to consider that
    entitystorage is no longer available for FMDist family. Only FM family
    works with it. And all DATAMANAGER concept container will work with
    both family.
    In this commit ls is no longer transmitted to internal fmeik. Those
    functions are using now updater instance to access to it via getLs/setLs
    methods. To minimize changes these methods retake partially old
    entitystorage API. This modification hopefully clarify situation.
    The updater is in charge of ls,gls and transported information.
    updatefxx methods are now no longer const method as they change ls,
    The communication part of Transport concept is now in FMUpdater.h.
    This is doing a neat separation:
    including FM.h
    no dependency to any other library
    include FMDist.h
    added dependency to xtool library
    Assertion above depend also on what you include/tune to complete usage of
    fmeik function (mesh interface, vector, time monitoring, .....)