• Alexis SALZMAN's avatar
    [xFEM] remove inline declaration for axpy with xFemMatrix · e9d3143f
    Alexis SALZMAN authored
    Some compiler are not in capacity at linking stage to find out inlined
    definition declared in xFemMatric.cc.
    Please do not put declaration in header !!! It would add unwanted
    dependency to xSolverBase "library" (header xBlasDef.h) to any code
    including xFemMatrix.h. As xFemMatrix.h is include by xForm.h almost
    every thing become dependant of xFemMatrix.h ... For examble xExport
    would depend on xSolverBase if implementation apears in xFemMatrix.h
    Note that it does'nt mean that compiler will not do inlining
    optimization with this function axpy ...