• Benoit Le's avatar
    [xFEM] Added xLinkOnFrontLinkGenerator. · e5d4e0ed
    Benoit Le authored
    This class creates link between nodes, corresponding to a stable lagrange multiplier space for elements cut by a surface. To create this class, the corresponding pieces of codes have simply been taken from xValueCreatorLinkOnfront, which now has a xLinkOnFrontLinkGenerator member.
    The advantage of doing so it to be able to use these links between nodes, to do something else than creating xValuesLinearCombination (which is the purpose of xValueCreatorLinkOnfront). For now the only functionality implemented in xLinkOnFrontLinkGenerator is the only one necessary in xValueCreatorLinkOnfront, that is; given one node, returning the associated node. However we could imagine if necessary to add the possibility to retrieve vital edges or other information, or eventually to implement new criterion to define the links.
    The corresponding files have been clang-formated.
    The design of this class has been discussed with A. Salzman.