• Alexis SALZMAN's avatar
    xTool: add exportInGraphvizDof to obtain a partman graphical view · 015186af
    Alexis SALZMAN authored
    This function takes a partition manager, a filename and a filter
    as arguments. The filename is used to create names for dot file
    generated by this function. There is one file per dimension.
    Each file contain the graph (in dot format) of interprocess
    relation in between entities of a given dimension. The interprocess
    relation are coming from provided partition manager information.
    Graph node are node, edge or face described by there address,
    there id, there type. Directed edge show the counterpart of
    an entity on remote process.
    The integer filter argument may remove graph with entity that have only
    less than "filter" remotes ones. Typically if filter=1 all 1 to 1 graph
    will be removed and only graph of entities related to more then 1 remote
    will be kept.
    Dot graph format is recognized by "dot"  graphviz application. For
    dot -Tpng -o pm_1.png 0_filename
    will create a png picture pm_1.png from outputted 0_filename (node
    entities relationship).