• Benoît LÉ's avatar
    [xFEM] Added xAssemblerLumpedBlockEqu and xAssemblerLumpedBlockEquInVector. · d5c4a868
    Benoît LÉ authored
    These assemblers can be used to assemble lumped matrix. They will both do the same thing, aside from
    the fact that xAssemblerLumpedBlockEquInVector will assemble in a vector containing the diagonal coeffcients
    of the lumped matrix (so it will be used with a bilinear form to assemble in a vector).
    These assemblers take each block of the assembled matrix, compute the average and assemble it on the corresponding diagonal coefficients.
    For instance, the lumped version of the following matrix
        [a b 0 0]
        [c d 0 0]
        [0 0 e f]
        [0 0 g h]
    would be
        [m1 0  0  0]
        [0  m1 0  0]
        [0  0  m2 0]
        [0  0  0 m2]
    where m1 = (a+b+c+d)/4 and  m2 = (e+f+g+h)/4
    They are not supposed to be used with vectors, so (for now) the assemble_vector gives a throw.