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Follow xStringManager change

Alexis SALZMAN requested to merge xStringManager into master

Note that functional_spacePolyOctree_2D/functional_spacePolyOctree_3D are not even running correctly. Before xStringManager changes, only results where false. Now memory is corrupted. This is normal because when xSpacePolynomial have been changed (switch from seeking order of key to seeking order of approx function) this spacePolyOctree have not been updated ... TO BE DONE Most of the other error are related to results not in the same order due to //.

Note that functional_UpdateInterpolation_2D was note doing anything in term of ndiff because reference where empty. ndiff when reference is empty just do nothing even if compared files is non empty .... Now a extra dummy line is always output so that ndiff work properly.

Must be merged only if Xfile xStringManager have been merged

Merge request reports
